We are providing access to a range of home learning resources to support children who are unable to attend school due to the Covid-19 pandemic, including any group/bubbles of children who are self-isolating and any full/partial school closures due to local or national lockdowns.

Mrs Mulrooney, Acting Principal, has overall responsibility for the quality and delivery of remote education, including that provision meets expectations for remote education. The engagement of remote education will be monitored weekly by the Senior Management team.

Curriculum Offer

If your child is well enough to continue with their learning then they will complete the relevant ‘Pupil Home Learning Packs’ from Google Classroom or relevant section on this webpage. Google Classroom will be used to share home learning activity packs for Year groups 1-6. Home learning activity packs for Nursery and Reception can be found on the EYFS Home Learning packs tab.

The same curriculum, including our current Recovery Curriculum, will be offered to any children on site and to those who are accessing remote education. This curriculum offer follows the same sequence of learning as outlined in our whole school long term plans, however, there may be some slight adaptations in some subjects to ensure lessons can be accessed with limited equipment at home. For example, PE, Design and Technology, Art and Science will be planned with this in mind, but still ensuring that key knowledge and progression of learning is in place.

Digital Platform

Google Classroom or the Covid-19 Remote Education section on the school website will be used by our teaching staff to share lessons (pre-recorded and live), registration sessions, independent tasks, communication with their classes and to provide daily feedback.

Completed tasks can be uploaded via Google Classroom, alternatively can be sent to the class teacher as pdfs, scans or photographs to the year group secure email. You will need to put your child’s initials as the ‘Subject’ section of the email e.g. ‘AZ Home Learning’.

To see how to access Google Classroom and upload your child’s work, please view the video below and we have also provided a Google Classroom Parent Guide –  in the documents listed at the bottom of this page – to assist you. Please note this video was created by St. Mary’s Catholic Primary, a school in our academy. The same steps apply however you must log in via the St. Patrick’s website.

How to Access Live Lessons on Google Classroom

How to Upload Work on Google Classroom

We understand that it is difficult for you to replicate a typical school day at home, so again, we would ask for an adult to be able to spend a small part of the day supporting or over-seeing children’s learning. If you are struggling to print any of the activities at home, please contact the school office and we can organise a pack to be printed on your behalf; stpatricksprimaryschool@wolverhampton.gov.uk. These will need to be collected from the school office.

The DFE are also allocating some Chromebooks to schools to distribute for home learning. We have already given out some devices to families so please get in contact if you are struggling. If you would like to be considered for a loan of a device, please contact Mrs Mulrooney.

If all devices have been allocated, I will keep a waiting list of families that would benefit from a device.

Please click here for our Device Loan Agreement.

For additional activities, we ask that you access Education City, TT Rocks Stars, Numbots and the Oak Academy Virtual School lessons – these are set up in year groups and each subject have a daily English, maths and topic teaching session with a virtual teacher. These can be completed once children have completed activities set by and created by St. Patrick’s Staff.

Each week we will also upload weekly Gospel Assemblies and Praise Assemblies so the children can participate in Collective Worship and Praise together.

Pupils with Additional Needs:

We continue to support pupils with SEND or pupils with English as an additional language (EAL) through our remote education programme to ensure progress continues to be made. This is through a variety of ways:

  • Weekly contact with the class teachers, family liaison officer and school SENCo
  • Clear differentiated tasks in live or pre-recorded lessons on Google Classroom
  • Access to specific subscriptions/online programmes which are targeted for your child
  • Separate assigned tasks on Google Classroom for each child with SEND with a range of work/activities based on current IPP targets
  • Pre-recorded intervention sessions via Google Classroom (e.g. guided reading, catch-up phonics, number work etc)
  • EHCP reviews carried out virtually

Wellbeing and Communication

You and your child will be contacted once a week via a phone call to check on wellbeing, offer any support where needed and to assist with any queries regarding remote education.

A live registration session is also offered to the children so they have an opportunity to speak to their peers and share experiences.

It is crucial that parents keep up-to-date with the latest school news and updates via the following means:

  • Text messages via T2P
  • Letters on our school website
  • Updates on our school social media accounts (Facebook)

If you are unable to upload any work onto Google Classroom or need any support  with home learning, please email the class teachers via our year group email accounts:


Alternatively, call our office on 01902 556451


Our robust safeguarding procedures remain in place for all children in our care.

Please see the following documents for further details:

Safeguarding Policy

Acceptable Use Policy

Remote Education Policy

Online Safety (E-Learning Policy)

E-Learning and Home Learning Safeguarding Expectations

Live Lessons Expectations


Please see our remote learning documents below for further details and guidance:

Each week the children will receive daily Live Lessons focusing either on a Maths, English writing or guided reading session. All your child will need is a pen and paper. Each week the children will receive one registration session. This session will be an opportunity for each child to speak to their class teacher and friends.