Young children are capable of spiritual experiences from an early age. Before they find the words to express it, they become aware of something other than themselves and their small worlds, something that is inspiring and good. They have a sense of God, and in teaching children how to pray, we give them a verbal vocabulary to express what they already experience.
At St. Patrick’s, we believe that praying with young children is a privilege and a joy. In introducing children to prayer in school we firstly celebrate with them the wonderful truth that they are loved by God. We encourage the children through communal and individual prayer and reflection to talk to God in a very natural way and to establish a relationship with God. Prayer, is central to our Catholic tradition and forms an integral part of the school day.
In school we will do all we can to encourage your child to develop a special relationship with God. We remind parents that they too have a very special role to play in developing the prayer life of their child and we support and encourage families to grow together in faith.
Children from the very youngest classes are able to join in with the sign of the cross and simple prayers. A wide variety of hymns are chosen for liturgical celebrations, some with actions, to stimulate the interest and involvement of the children.
Each Friday morning, staff gather together and pray, led by a different staff member each week. Staff also begin every meeting with a time of prayer and pray for a different member of our school staff each week.
We expect children to learn the following prayers as they grow throughout the school.
Our School Prayer

Sign of the Cross
Our Father
Hail Mary
Morning Prayer
Grace before meals
Grace after meals
Evening Prayer
Year 1
Glory Be
Prayer to the Guardian Angel
Act of Faith, Hope & Love
Year 2
Eternal Rest
Act of Faith
Act of Hope
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Joyful Mysteries
Year 3
Act of Sorrow
Act of Love
The Angelus
Luminous Mysteries
Year 4
The Memorare
Prayer to the Guardian Angel
The Stations of the Cross
Sorrowful Mysteries
Year 5
The Magnificat
Regina Caeli
Diocesan Prayer for Vocations
Glorious Mysteries
Year 6
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Hail Holy Queen
The Rosary including The Apostles Creed
Please click here to view our Prayers from the Heart!