About the PE and Sport Premium

At St. Patrick’s, we know that PE and Sport is an important part of our school. Physical Education and the promotion of being active throughout the school day inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in physically- demanding activities and helps all our pupils to become confident in their own sporting ability.

Schools should use the PE and Sport Premium funding to help achieve these aims. It must not be used for core-type school activities. They should use it to make additional and sustainable improvements to the PE, sport and physical activity they provide, such as:

  • funding high-quality PE and sport for at least 2 hours a week, complemented by a wide range of extracurricular sport and competitive opportunities
  • providing or improving equal access to sport for boys and girls

Schools should prioritise PE and sport premium spending to improve in the following 5 key areas:

  • increasing all staff’s confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE and sport
  • increasing engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and sport
  • raising the profile of PE and sport across the school, to support whole school improvement
  • offer a broader and more equal experience of a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils
  • increase participation in competitive sport

Please view our reports & useful links below:

PE and Sport Premium Review and Impact

For previous years documents please click here.

National Curriculum Requirements for Physical Education including Water Safety

Useful Links