What Learning Looks Like in our Reception Class
We have a fantastic open plan reception and nursery classroom for our children in the EYFS. The environment is highly stimulating and engaging for all pupils and this supports learning with carefully planned lessons that incorporate all areas of learning within the EYFS.
We believe strongly in the Seven Features of Effective Practice as referred to in the; Working with the revised Early Years Foundation Stage Principles into Practice by Julian Grenier)
- The best for EVERY child
- High-Quality care
- The Curriculum: What we want children to learn
- Pedagogy: helping children to learn
- Assessment: checking what children have learnt
- Self-regulation and executive function
- Partnership with parents
We treat every child as unique during their learning journey at St Patrick’s, encouraging them to be resilient, capable, confident and self- assured. The EYFS environment facilitates the development of positive relationships with adults and children and it also enables children to become resilient, confident and independent learners developing important lifelong skills. We also welcome and encourage positive relationships with parents and careers in our friendly nurturing setting.
Children continually have access to resources from the seven areas of learning and they are actively encouraged to self-select the activities they would like to undertake. This not only enthuses and motivates the children to explore and investigate but also helps them to develop skills of independence, negotiation and problem solving. Children are also taught and encouraged to demonstrate respect and responsibility for their environment and this involves taking care of equipment and resources both indoors and outdoors.
Children are taught and learn through the implementation of challenging, purposeful and playful opportunities across the prime and specific areas of learning, children take part in teacher/adult led and child-initiated activities (activities chosen by themselves). Children have access to a stimulating outdoor area where they can continue their learning outdoors.
Children develop at very different stages and times, for this reason flexibility in our curriculum is of upmost importance. Whilst we do split what children will be learning over the six half terms they are in school, it is by no means a fixed model. What children learn in Autumn 1 will continue to be covered and addressed throughout the year, our Summer 2 focuses will undoubtedly also have been discussed, talked about and developed previously. We are allocating it a place within the year to ensure staff give an additional focus on that specific learning point. Children at this young age learn through lots of repetition ensuring what they have learned stays in their long-term memory which can be retrieved when needed.
Our curriculum is based around the Development Matters Document (see link below) and is heavily influenced by our St Patrick’s unique Curriculum drivers:
To find out more about our Early Years Foundation Stage please have a look at our documents below:
Parent Phonics Film
Please click on the links below , they will help support your with phonics: