With Christ beside us; we love, laugh, learn and pray together.
At St. Patrick’s our curriculum design is built around the total experience of the child, particularly the most disadvantaged. We are determined to provide a curriculum which is broad and balanced ensuring all children gain a common body of essential knowledge outlined in the National Curriculum. We aim to give all children a multitude of opportunities to flourish intellectually, artistically and physically enabling them to develop personal and social skills which will ensure they contribute fully and successfully in our ever- changing world! We have achieved an effective curriculum because we have a balance between what we must teach and what we like to teach to meet the unique needs of our children in our local community whilst bringing our aims and values to life!
Ultimately, we want children to have fun at school and talk about their primary school years as being full of great memories.
Please click on the relevant parts of the image to find out more about our curriculum offer:

Please view our documents below: